Becoming Our Best


For those who believe in God, it is sometimes difficult to understand what is going on when we pray. Is anyone listening? Does God care? Why can’t he act more quickly, I need help now!

We’re supposed to pray and ask for what we need and want, but many times it seems like a futile effort. Nothing seems to happen, or it takes forever! I have experienced many of these kinds of thoughts in my prayer life.

Then one day, I read something from a Christian missionary group in Africa. They had the answer to my questioning thoughts about prayer. Here’s what they said were the four ways God answers our prayers:

No, not yet.

No, I love you too much.

Yes, I thought you’d never ask.

Yes, and here’s more.

These four simple responses to prayer cover it for me:

The first is about growing our faith while waiting (and the strong possibility that there are a lot of more things involved in answering my prayer than I can imagine).

The second is when I desperately want (fill in the blank – relationship, job, instant weight loss, etc) and it really wouldn’t be good for me in the long term.

The third is poignant because we many times are asking for the wrong things while God waits for us to ask for something that will make our relationship with him closer.

I like the fourth one best, but before I get more of what I want it usually involves one or more of the three answers listed before it.

Praying (and sharing our innermost emotions of anger, love, boredom or whatever) is the way we grow closer to God. The more we try prayer, the better it gets. But it takes time and faith. From my experience, the minor investment of time, energy and faith involved gives rich returns in a better life for you, family and all those in your life. Try it for yourself!

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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